How to Redeem Bethesda Codes
1. Navigate to the website (
2. Select Log In/Sign Up on the homepage
• If you already have an account, enter your Username and Password, and select Log In
• If you do not have an account, select Sign Up and you can register for a account.
3. Once successfully logged in, select your Username on the top right corner of the website.
4. On the navigational window that appears, select Redeem Code.
5. Enter the promotional code in the box that appears and select Redeem.
• All codes contain letters, numbers, and dashes. Dashes must be included.
• If you experience issues with your game code, ensure that it the code has been entered correctly character-by-character, and there are no spaces before and after the code
6. If the code was redeemed successfully, you will receive a confirmation window that says "Success!".
• If you have additional codes, you can repeat this process by hitting the Redeem Code button on this "Success!" screen.
7. After you have redeemed the code on the website, you should receive a confirmation email at the address linked to your Bethesda account.
• If the code is for a specific game or content, there may be additional instructions provided in the confirmation email.
Note: If you don't see the rewards from the promotional code, you may need to fully exit and restart the game.
e download is complete.
Any further additional assistance can be acquired by contacting Bethesda support at the following link :